a growing collection of bioinformatics websites or tutorials
(updated on Jan. 23rd 2019)
- R books
- Data Science for Psychologists
- STAT 545: Data wrangling, exploration, and analysis with R
- A Compendium of Clean Graphs in R: a guideline of producing clean and explicit graphs using R.
- R for Data Science: a practical online book introducing the basic data analysis in R.
- Bioinformatics
- Modern Statistics for Modern Biology a course and book written by Susan Holmes and Wolfgang Huber, teaching statistics using R and Bioconductor packages
- An Introduction to Applied Bioinformatics: an open source bioinformatics tutorial/book written using IPython Notebook, it “introduces readers to core concepts of bioinformatics in the context of their implementation and application.”
- Rosalind: a website where you can learn bioinformatics through solving bioinformatics problems.
- a website where you can find workshops on programming in R, Metagenomic/Genomic/RNA-Seq/Pathway data analysis.
- BIRS workshop lecture videos: many workshop lecture videos on statistics, computer science, mathematics, biology and so on.
- GUSTA ME: standard procedures you need to do statistical analysis of microbial ecology.
- PH525x series - Biomedical Data Science: the statistics book of bioinformatics data analysis, written by Rafael Irizarry and Michael Love.
- Discovering Patterns in the Microbiome: a course given by Dan Knights of analyzing 16S microbiome data using QIIME. The course videos can be found here.
- ngs-docs: a lot of hands-on bioinformatics training repositories hosted at github.
- treethinkers: workshops and tutorials on applied phylogenetics.
- evomics: workshops and practical tutorials on genomics and molecular evolution.
- A Primer for Computational Biology: An open-access online book on linux command line, Python and R programming written by Dr. Shawn T. O’Neil.
- Analysis of single cell RNA-seq data: A very timely course on single-cell RNA-Seq (scRNA-Seq) data analysis